Cooking Competition – Biscuits Making

日期: 2012-05-14 及 2012-05-15 時間: 4:30pm - 6:15pm
地點: Home Economics Room (家政室) 參與人數: Members of English Club and Home Economics Club
負責組別: English Club (英文學會) & Home Economics Club (家政學會) 負責人: 林少燕老師,吳詠欣老師及鄭婉明老師。


It was a very successful cross-curricular activity. By following English cooking instructions, students learned how to make the dough of the Biscuits and turn them into delicious treat.

這次同學們用英語學習焗製美國地道鬆餅的活動十分成功, 同學們十分投入, 透過這次跨學科活動,讓同學們認識了一點點美國文化,又能從過程中學習實用的生活英語, 真是相得益彰。