Jack-o-lantern making activity

日期: 2011-10-17 時間: 4:30pm - 6:15pm
地點: Home Economics Room 參與人數: Twenty-one students
負責組別: English Club ( 英文學會 ) & Home Economics Club ( 家政學會 ) 負責人: Mr. Murray, 林少燕老師及吳詠欣老師


This activity involved hollowing out orange pumpkins, and carving out a lid, mouth, eyes and nose.

Later casserole candles were put in the pumpkins to give them a monstrous glow and to project their scary faces onto the walls of the Home Economics Room.

The best seven Jack-o-lanterns were presented prizes at the English morning assembly on Tuesday morning and were then displayed in the playground

這次活動十分成功, 同學們除踴躍參加外, 更十分投入, 設計及製作出精美的南瓜燈籠, 而且更是超水準之作, 真是可喜可賀。同時, 透過這次跨學科活動,同學們既學會了怎樣製作南瓜燈籠,又能從過程中學習英語, 真是相得益彰。